Promotion & Marketing Tips (an excerpt from Self-Publishing On a Budget)

In the self-publishing industry, writing your book is less than half the battle. If your goal is to make a profit from selling your book, then plan to spend at least as much time and effort promoting it as you did writing it. 

Even if you place your book on or manage to get a few copies accepted in a national chain bookstore, like Barnes & Noble, the chances of someone finding it among the other millions of titles there are slim unless you tell people about it. 

This is where the promotion and marketing part begins. There are a number of ways to garner publicity for your book. A few are listed below, but use your own creativity and initiative to get the word out to as many people as you can.

Author Website
The most important promotion tool for any author is a website or blog. Make sure your website address is printed on everything you hand out or mail out, such as press releases, stationery, business cards, fliers and post cards. You want to drive traffic toward your website because it is your main information source for potential buyers, as well as newspaper and magazine editors.

Your website should include:
  • A photo of your book cover, as well as yourself.
  • The sales pitch for your book (taken from your “back copy”) to entice your website visitors to buy.
  • Your author bio: a few short paragraphs about your background and credentials for writing the book.
  • Reviews or reader comments about your book.
  • A schedule of up-coming events, such as speaking engagements, book signings or workshops and classes.
  • Ordering information: how readers can buy online and/or order-by-mail.
  • A monthly newsletter or weekly tips that make readers want to return to your site.
To set up your website, the first thing you’ll need to do is register a domain name for your site (i.e.: or YourBook’ and then decide on a hosting service. Two sites to check for registering your domain name are: and

There are hundreds of website hosting companies from which to choose. Many of these also offer to register domain names for you. Prices and services vary widely, so shop carefully to make sure the one you pick meets your needs and fits your budget. 
Some book printing companies, like, will give you a webpage for your book free of charge when you use their printing services. You can also create a free blog on-line for your author website with sites like, which is owned by Google.

Other marketing tips covered in this chapter:
Press Releases
Speaking Engagements 
  Book Signing Events 
 Classes or Workshops 
Craft Fairs and Expo’s 
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